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How to Install Microsoft Office Suite 2010 in Ubuntu 64 bit

18:20 Posted by Shichibukai Encraptor No comments

How to Install Microsoft Office Suite 2010 in Ubuntu 64 bit

You probably already have LibreOffice Office Suite installed in Ubuntu and you’re happy with it. Well, more power unto you. This brief tutorial is going to show those of you who need Microsoft Office 2010 installed in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). Even though LibreOffice is a great productivity suite, in some situations, M$ Office will be required in order to get your work done. If you need to edit or collaborate on MS Office documents, use Outlook with Exchange without missing some features, or install and use OneNote, you’ll definitely need Microsoft Office. Using Wine, you can install and use Microsoft Office Suite in Linux systems, including Ubuntu. It’s not perfect, but good and can get the job done.
So, without wasting anymore of your time, lets’ get going.
  • Install Microsoft Office in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)
  • Enjoy!
To get started, press Ctrl – Alt – T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to add Wine PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

Next, run the commands below to update your system and install the latest version of Wine
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.5

rm -rf ~/.wine
export WINEARCH=win32
After that, go to Dash and launch Winetricks.


When Winetricks opens, choose ‘Select the default wineprefix’ and click ‘OK’


Then choose ‘Install a Windows DDL or component’ and click ‘OK’


Next, select both ‘dotnet20’ and ‘msxml6’  from this screen to install.


After installing those two components, go back to Winetricks and choose to install a font.


Next, choose to install corefonts


After installing, the corefonts, go back to Winetricks and choose ‘Run winecfg’


Then select ‘Libraries’ tab and make sure these DLLs are added. The select each DDL and click ‘Edit’ and change the overrides for each DDL to ‘Native’ (Windows)


After that, close out of Winetricks insert your Office CD/DVD or ISO and double click ‘setup.exe’.


Next, click ‘Install Now’  . After installing, remove the CD/DVD and begin using Office.


To launch Microsoft Excel, press Ctrl – Alt – T to open Terminal. Then run the line below
wine "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/excel.exe"


To launch Microsoft Word, run the line below
wine "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/winword.exe"
PowerPoint, copy and paste the line below
wine "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/powerpnt.exe"




Bash Scripting Ubuntu + Samba

23:24 Posted by Shichibukai Encraptor No comments

#  bash scripting untuk daftar nama staff di server ubuntu, create folder,
#  buat password user di smb,  chown+chmod folder dan listkan ls -l

echo "Selamat Datang Ke Skrip Pendaftaran Staff di NilamFort."

echo -n "Sila masukkan username staff dan tekan [ENTER]: "
read namenilam
echo -n "Sila masukkan unit staff dan tekan [ENTER]: "
read groupnilam
adduser $namenilam
adduser $namenilam $groupnilam
smbpasswd -a $namenilam
mkdir  /media/srikandi/data2/$namenilam
chown -R $namenilam:$groupnilam /media/srikandi/data2/$namenilam
chmod -R 0770 /media/srikandi/data2/$namenilam

echo "["$namenilam"]" >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " comment =" $namenilam $groupnilam >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " writable = yes" >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " valid users =@"$groupnilam >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " path = /media/srikandi/data2/"$namenilam >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " create mode = 0660" >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " directory mode = 0770" >>/etc/samba/smb.conf
echo " browsable = no" >>/etc/samba/smb.conf

ls -l /media/srikandi/data2

**jangan lupa chmod +x


Create ISO dari CD [OS UBUNTU]

21:00 Posted by Shichibukai Encraptor No comments
  1.  Buka Brasero
  2.  Pilih Disc copy
  3. Select disc to copy = Adalah drive cdrom yang ingin kita copy jadi ISO.
    Select a disc to write to = adalah folder dimana image ISO akan diletakkan.
  4. Klik Create Image.


Kesilapan Ketika Download Windows 8 64 Bit?

18:06 Posted by Shichibukai Encraptor No comments

- Windows 8 Pro 32 bit can only be upgraded from Windows 7 32 bit.
- Windows 8 Pro 64 bit can only be upgraded from Windows 7 64 bit.

Kesilapan yang sering dilakukan, ingin upgrade kepada Win 8 64x tetapi upgrade melalui Win 7 32x. Akhirnya terpaksa format semula kerana terinstall Win 8 32x sebenarnya.


Kaedah Partition Ubuntu 13 & Windows 8 - Kegunaan Sendiri

23:25 Posted by Shichibukai Encraptor No comments

Harddisk saya adalah 500gb.

Saya memecahkan partition-partition saya menggunakan Gparted Live USB (rujuk: Gparted Live USB ini boleh diboot menggunakan USB, dan boleh melaksanakan partition harddisk selepas boot kepada perisian Gparted Live USB ini.

Mula-mula. saya reserve siap-siap sda1 untuk kegunaan Windows 8. Sebanyak 116 GB digunakan dan diformat dalam bentuk NTFS.

Partition selebihnya, saya  reserve untuk sda2 pula, saya mengformat sebanyak 238 GB dan ianya FAT32, untuk memudahkan sharing antara 2 OS. Disini saya meletakkan folder dropbox saya, yang boleh disync oleh Windows 8 dan Ubuntu.

Seterusnya bagi yang masih belum diassign partitionnya, saya set partition tersebut fully logikal, kepada 110.38 GB iaitu kesemua baki yang ada. Kemudian tanda sda3 akan muncul dengan ianya menulis  'extended' di file system.

Sekali lagi saya menggunakan extended tadi untuk memecahkan kepada 2 bahagian, iaitu ext4 untuk Ubuntu OS sebanyak 96.43GB, dan linux swap sebanyak 14GB.

Selepas saya install Windows 8, saya kembali kepada Ubuntu. Di Ubuntu installer, saya hanya perlu pergi kepada ext4 dan memasukkan '\' sebagai root kepada OS saya, dan untuk GRUB, saya memilih sda2 iaitu dimana terletaknya WIN8 saya.