During my schooling years, I was taught a number of different subjects. Maths, Sciences, Languages, History, Religion, Geography and the lot. While some of these subjects are in fact helpful for your later University years, most of them are not. They serve no purpose whatsoever once you graduate from high school.
School is about memorizing what you’re told short term and repeating it. The bulk of how you are graded is by completing daily work. If you think about it, school doesn’t necessarily educate you. They only test for levels of obedience, which in my opinion IS wrong. I never learned how to do my taxes, how to write a CV, and most importantly how to code. But I’m so glad I know the Pythagoras theorem. NOT!
Here we are in the year 2013, depending entirely on technology. To communicate, for financing and information, and none of us know how to read and write code. Whether you’re trying to make a lot of money or you just want to change the world, Computer programming is an incredibly empowering skill to learn.
Here’s what most students don’t know. Software is really about humanity, it’s about helping people by using computer technology. To be able to come up with an idea and then see it in your hands and then press a button and see it in millions of people’s hands is beyond amazing.
Programming skills are becoming ever more important, quickly turning into a core part of all STEM fields. This undeniable fact is leading individuals to seek out new ways of learning to code, start-ups and non-profits to find ways to help them and businesses to search for innovative approaches to finding the coders they so desperately need.
Most of what I’m trying to convey, is in fact taken from the essence of famous software prodigies. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Gabe Newell and many more.
It’s easy to learn programming!
There are plenty of sites that offer free lessons. My personal favorite is Codecademy.com. It’s interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends. I tried taking a Programming course for the 1st year of my engineering bachelors, and ended up dropping it cos I was getting lost within all of the code.
My code works, I don’t know why. My code doesn’t work, I don’t know why.
How I wish I had stumbled upon a site that offered free lessons.
Most people have this misconception that you have to go back to school to learn programming and other computer skills, but you don’t. There’s also the myth that you have to be some kind of math or science genius to learn it. Blatant lies. You just need to learn the process, and then practice it. You can build a portfolio by doing volunteer work for a site that offers free services or a charity.
Ordinarily, newly minted developers would be less desirable than experienced ones for employers. But the current developer drought means there are far more jobs that require programming skills than people who have those skills. So companies are more accepting of programming newbies.
Coding can kick start everyone’s career!
In today’s age of information, Computer skills are essential even if you’ve already got a professional job. We all interact with computers in such a way that they’re no longer this optional thing you do on the side. Computing is now a vital part of what everyone’s lives. How many of us wake up in the morning and immediately reach out for our Smart phones?
Not that we want everyone to go out and create Web programs and write the next Android, but I think having a base understanding of what happens behind the curtain can be huge.
Mark Zuckerburg never graduated from college, but he did turn Facebook, the most popular and largest Social Networking site, a company he founded and operated with a few others from his dorm room, into an IPO. He thinks that his programming skills made him a better CEO than he would have been without them. Today, he mentors aspiring programmers.
Even if a CEO never codes for his company, just understanding what is happening is going to be a massive plus point for him from a risk standpoint, from an understanding standpoint. CEOs need to have a lot of knowledge of a lot of different things and programming is indeed a large part of that.
Teaching programming is BIG Money!
CEOs who think along lines as Mark does might be the reason that learn-to-code start-ups have been able to fund-raise millions in venture capital. Investors seem to realize that companies like Treehouse and Codecademy don’t just train the next generation of developers, but that the skill they teach are essential for managers, too.
Whether to boost your career or just to keep pace with the rest of the world, learning to code has never been more important or more accessible. If you haven’t started yet, what’s stopping you? Find out more about Code.org and Hour of Code – Sri Lanka.
You don’t have to be a genius to learn how to code, you just have to be determined!
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